Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Kept Woman Wednesday: Tammy and the Bachelor (1957)

Meet Barbara.

You know the type. Like the Baroness or The Parent Trap’s Vicki. She’s the austere trophy intercepting the affection meant for a pluckier rival. In the case of Mala (m’lah? Mahhh-la?) Powers in "Tammy and the Bachelor," her Barbara isn’t your standard model. No, she also disparages the agricultural ambitions of her beau, twentieth-century southern gentleman, Pete. This helps us understand that Barbara is an especially poor pairing for Pete, who hopes to make his family's plantation sustanable again through tomato farming. Oh, Pete…strong, handsome, kind, oh my god, that’s Leslie Nielsen, Pete.

If you're unfamiliar with this film, acquaint yourself here, then return.

Barbara is a great foil for Tammy Tyree, enhancing the classic fish-out-of-water plotline. Compared to “childish Tammy,” Barbara possesses impeccably tailored and flared suits, polished coiffure and a clipped tone. I suspect that it was fun to portray Barbara. Mahhhh-la!

Rope belt!
Once I dreamed that Debbie Reynolds gave me the lush blue gown Barbara wears in the Pilgrimage Ball scenes. Even though I would rather have Tammy’s green gingham pinafore dress, I was ecstatic and didn’t suggest a trade.

That dream-couture benefactress is the real reason "Tammy and the Bachelor" endures so. Debbie Reyonds as Tammy. She's so pretty and breezy. Even a couple "Tammy! I'm so embarrassed for you right now!" moments are negated by her absolute charm. Maybe it's the denim clamdiggers tied with a rope, or the backwoodsy vocabulary (see: jostling board), or that she has an unexpected facility with historically-based monologues. It endears! It enchants!

There's about a day's worth of movies I could watch at any given moment, any mood, and circumstance. The interesting thing is that these films are not even necessarily in my top ten favorite list. "Tammy and the Bachelor" makes rank with both distinctions. Coincidentally, the only other film to do so is "Postcards from the Edge." ...I know.

Like so many hours spent with Turner Classic Movies before tonight, I would spend my Kept Woman Wednesday thoroughly amused by, and sort of in love with, "Tammy and the Bachelor." (Especially the Bachelor. You guys: Leslie Nielsen).

Emphasis on the bachelor.

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