Saturday, September 6, 2008

Hoo cares

I may…or may not...collect…owl figurines. But, there are some salient guidelines that direct the scope of my collection to prevent the acquisition of things like this:
Thanks MOM.

She knows better than to do something like this. She’s used much better judgement in the past: a retro winking owl salt shaker, a glittery downy snow owl for Christmas décor. What’s worse is this music box plays an unidentifiable melody. I was going to Goodwill it until I logged on to cuteoverload and saw these two:


Betsy said...

Oh, I love that little hoo-haa. It goes well with your other doo-daads. Don't be so hard on the mumsy, she has freakishly, dangerously, high cholesterol.

Nikki said...

Yes. You are quite lucky it was an owl figurine and not a giant, juicy cholesterol ladden bacon burger whic matches the cholesterol in her blood stream. One has to wonder how she is so small yet her LDl is so high. Do you think she has a secret fetish of eating sticks of butter????

Nikki said...

Sorry I had a typo in that. My cholesterol is unusually high as I just had a bacon, cheese and mayo sandwhich for lunch. Yum!

Anonymous said...

have you looked at the home line for anthro this fall? there are owls galore. :) -maura